When the Wind Gives Away Its Plans – Can You Hear It Now, Are You Listening?

Ocean Rowing Boat Plans

You see as a runner often late in the evening running in the dark challenging my own footsteps and eyesight sometimes in the canopy of trees on a trail through the woods no moon or star light so even with eyes adjusted there was nothing but echolocation a sixth sense and belief in self or sure-footedness. This is something that a top rated competitive sailor understands and I suppose our curious ancestors who voyaged beyond sight of the shore. My question is; in your hurried Facebook Twitter Text-Messaging world are you listening? If you are not I understand and you are not to be condemned I suppose as it is a sign of the time in our hyper-connected world that someone most of us have disconnected from the other reality to share in the virtual one nevertheless it’s still out here.

Ocean Rowing Boat Plans

Ocean Rowing Boat Plans

Not long ago I read two very interesting books about rowers who tackled the Pacific Ocean rowing across it – wow quite insane but very inspirational Ocean Rowing Boat Plans. Just dumb luck you might say – but I don’t Ocean Rowing Boat Plans. Scary to some well perhaps but not for me I loved the challenge I loved the sport of the unknown and in that moment of trust I made a turn tweaked the angle of my foot for a rock or just “knew” somehow what came next but how? It was the sound of the wind the beat of my heart and the foot strikes on the ground echoing sounds off the obstacles I was to transverse jump over or step upon.

It’s always been here and you have skills. One thing they mentioned in their log books and diaries was that they eventually came to know a sixth sense – the sixth sense of the sea. What did they know and when did they know it? In those two books each had gotten a pre-cursory sensation that something was about to happen such as a big wave was coming to capsize their little boats they knew by the wind and could feel the pressure and the movement ever so slightly of the waves.

Ocean Rowing Boat Plans

I suppose today this sounds preposterous but I assure it is not nor is it magic it’s paying attention.

Ocean Rowing Boat Plans

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